Kaupallisessa yhteistyössä Oatlyn kanssa.
Olen tosi innoissani yhteistyöstä Oatlyn kanssa. The New Normal kampanjan ajatuksena on, että kasvipohjaisia ruokia ei nähdä enää vaihtoehtona vaan täysin tavallisena ja normaalina osana ihmisten elämää.
Tämä ceasarsalaatti sopii kaikille. Raikkaan salaatin Caesarkastikkeeseen käytin Oatlyn iMat Fraichea ja havregurt Turkkilaista. Sopii myös vegaaneille!
In paid collaboration with Oatly.
I am excited about the collaboration with Oatly. The New Normal campaign idea is that plant-based foods are no longer seen as an alternative but as a completely ordinary and normal part of people’s lives.
This Ceasars salad is for everyone. For the fresh Caesar salad dressing I used Oatly iMat Fraiche and oatgurt Turkish.

Vegan kale caesar
Caesar sauce
125 g cashew nuts, soaked in water overnight
3 tablespoons Oatly havregurt Turkish
2 tablespoons Oatly imat fraiche food
1 dl olive oil
1 clove of garlic
1/2 lemon juice
1/2 lemon zest grated
2 teaspoons dijon mustard
1/2 dl of water
1.5 tablespoons white wine vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 large bunch of kale
radish shoots
sunflower shoots
4-5 radishes
1/4 watermelon
1 pomegranate
2 avocados
Make the sauce. Put all the ingredients in a blender and mix into a smooth sauce.
Split the pomegranate and knock it, causing the seeds to fall.
Chop watermelon, radishes and avocado.
Make a salad base. Put lettuce, shoots and sprouts in a bowl and
mix in the desired amount of sauce.
Place the salad on a plate and add the watermelon, radishes, pomegranate seeds, avocado and croutons.
Add a touch of sauce on top and garnish with a few shoots.
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