Kaupallisessa yhteistyössä Oatlyn kanssa / In paid collaboration with Oatly
Tämä Green Power keitto puhdistaa, lisää boostia ja vireyttä sekä vahvistaa immuunijärjestelmää.
Green Power -keitto maistuu hyvältä joka säällä!
This Green Power Soup is perfect super healthy soup. It cleanses, increases the body’s boost and alertness, and strengthens the immune system.
Green Power soup tastes excellent in any weather!

Green Power Soup
1 dl Oatly Oat Drink
3 handfuls of salad mix
2 handfuls of spinach
1 handful of basil
1 handful of coriander
2 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon ginger
1/2 jalopeno
piece of fresh turmeric
2 ½ dl of vegetable broth
1 ½ lime juice
2 teaspoons salt
black pepper
1 dl coconut cream
3 tablespoons olive oil
3 tablespoons Oatly Turkish Style Oatgurt
5 tablespoons Oatly Oat Drink
3 tablespoons broccoli cut into small pieces
1 avocado diced
1-2 tablespoons Chia seeds
1-2 tablespoons walnut mixture
Put all the Green power soup ingredients in a blender, and mix into a smooth mass. Next, mix the Oatly Turkish Style Oatgurt and Oatly Oat Drink in a separate bowl, and blend it into a smooth mass. Put the diced avocado in a bowl and add the Soup then decorate with broccoli pieces, shoots, chia seeds, and nut mixture. Last, add Oatly Turkish Style Oatgurt and Oatly Oat Drink mix on top of the soup and enjoy.

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