Kaupallisessa yhteistyössä Oatlyn kanssa.
Suosikki kesäherkkuihini kuuluu ehdottomasti erilaiset raikkaat jäätelöt. Nämä vegaaniset kaura-matcha jäätelöpuikot ovat kevyitä ja sopivat hyvin esimerkiksi jälkiruuaksi tai illanistujaisiin tarjoiltaviksi.
Nappaa tästä raikas ja viilentävä jäätelöresepti tuleviin hellepäiviin.
In paid collaboration with Oatly
Fresh Ice creams are definitely one of my favorite summer delicacies. These vegan oat-matcha ice cream sticks are light and are perfect for example for dessert or evening parties.
Grab this fresh and cooling ice cream recipe for the coming summer days.

Oatly-Matcha Ice cream popsicles
5 dl Oatly Havregurt Turkish
4 dl Oatly Vanilj-sås vanilla sauce
¾ – 1 dl agavesyrup
1 tablespoon matcha powder
ice cream molds
ice cream sticks
Mix 5 dl Oatly Havregurt
and 3 dl Oatly vanilla sauce
and agave syrup with each other. Divide the mass into two different bowls. Add 1 dl of vanilla sauce to other mass and 1 tablespoon of match powder to other one and stir.
Assemble the ice creams.
Pour the masses into ice cream molds. First add a layer of light mass and then a layer of green mass.
You can also mix the masses a bit in molds with a fork or knife.
This is how the layers mix with each other and the ice creams will have a beautiful pattern.
Add the stick and freeze for 4-5 hours or overnight depending on the size of the ice cream molds.
Cool ice cream moments!
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