Glöet kuohuviini Pannacotta Punainen hyytelö 8 liivatelehteä 6 dl punaista Glöet glögikuohuviiniä 1 1/2 dl sokeria tuoreita vadelmia Pannacotta 2 liivatelehteä 1/2 vaniljatankoa 5 dl kermaa 1 1/4 dl sokeria Koristeluun Kuivattuja vadelmia/tai tuoreita vadelmia Kuusen oksia Ensimmäiseksi valmista punainen hyytelö. Laita liivatelehdet kylmään…
GLÖET – SKANDINAVIAN SUOSITUIN GLÖGISKUOHUVIINI Jouluna 2015 lanseerattu suomalaisen perheyrityksen kehittämä glögikuohuviini GLÖET yhdistää glögin ja kuohuviinin parhaat puolet. GLÖET on ollut viitenä jouluna peräkkäin Skandinavian myydyin kupliva joulujuoma ja vaihtoehto perinteiselle glögille. Glöet saa makunsa joulun tutuista mausteista kanelista, neilikasta, appelsiinista, inkivääristä ja…
KAUPALLISESSA YHTEISTYÖSSÄ The Vegetarian Butcherin kanssa K-Kauppoihin on ilmestynyt uusi tosi makea brändi – The Vegetarian Butcher kasvispohjaiset pakaste tuotteet; Magic Mince, Chickened Out Chunks, UnbelievabullBurger, Lucky Nuggets ja Big Bangers. On hyvä, että me kaikki syömme terveellisesti ja käytämme enemmän vegaanisia tuotteita. Ollaan…
During my trip to Kagoshima we received an invitation to try a french restaurant called Le Ciel, located in the Shiroyama hotel. It’s a restaraunt with in a dreamy location with a beautiful view. The food is classical fine french with a japanese twist.…
During my trip to Japan I got to taste this interesting fruit called Loquat. Loquat fruit is an exotic sweet fruit packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, flavonoids and others. It tastes quite similar to apricots, cherries and other sweet fruits. Although it is tasty…
I’m so proud of being part of wellness sauna-restaurant Kuuma where I’m also a part-owner. So excited to tell more about the concept, the menu, and the sauna experience. Kuuma combines the Finnish sauna culture with the Nordic gastronomy and atmosphere that we call…
Very excited to announce that my own spice mixes are now launched. I created 5 different spice blends especially for the summer season. I wanted to create flavors that gives you extra on your everyday cooking and grilling. Spice mix blends are easy to…
I’ve always appreciated the Italian way to cherish the traditions, history and high-quality ingredients in cooking. The Italian relaxed attitude towards cooking is also fascinating: as I think myself, cooking doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. It’s enough that you have some good…
Olive oil is an important part of my life – it is the well-being and the foundation of my cooking. Olive oil is the best choice for cooking, as its polyphenols protect blood fats against oxidation. Personally I love to add olive oil in…
Founded 1865 in Tuscany, Bertolli is the world’s most famous and prestigious olive oil producer. I traveled to Italy in May together with seven famous food influencers, where we got to know the secrets of olive oil production. Bertolli has always been the leader…